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linux_audit_system resource

Use the linux_audit_system Chef InSpec audit resource to test the configuration of Linux audit system.



The Chef InSpec distributes this resource.


A linux_audit_system Chef InSpec audit resource allows you to test the configuration of Linux audit system.

    describe linux_audit_system do
      it { should be_enabled }
      it { should be_running }
      its('rules') { should include 'some_rule' }


  • rules is a property of this resource.
  • some_rule is the expected rule to be included in the rules list.
  • be_enabled and be_running are matchers of this resource.


The property of this resource is rules.


The rules property returns an array of audit rules of the system. It allows testing by passing an argument as a string or a regular expression to a valid matcher.

    its('rules') { should include 'RULE' }
    its('rules') { should include %r{some_regex_rule} }


For a full list of available matchers, please visit our matchers page. The specific matchers of this resource are be_enabled and be_running.


The be_enabled matcher tests if auditing is enabled on the system.

    it { should be_enabled }


The be_running matcher tests if the audit daemon runs on the system.

    it { should be_running }


The following examples show how to use this Chef InSpec audit resource.

Ensure auditing is enabled on the system

be_enabled checks if auditing is enabled on the system.

    describe linux_audit_system do
      it { should be_enabled }

Ensure the audit daemon is running on the system

be_running checks for if the audit daemon runs on the system.

    describe linux_audit_system do
      it { should be_running }

Verify if the list of audit rules contains certain rules

rules returns an array of audit rules of the system.

    describe linux_audit_system do
      its('rules') { should include '-w /etc -p wa' }
      its('rules') { should include %r!-w /etc -p wa! }
      its('rules') { should include %r{-w /etc -p wa} }
      its('rules') { should_not include %r!-a entry,always -S all -F pid=1005! }
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