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azurerm_resource_groups resource


This resource will be deprecated when version 2 of the inspec-azure resource pack is released. Please use the azure_resource_groups resource instead.

Use the azurerm_resource_groups InSpec audit resource to test properties of some or all Azure Resource Groups

A Resource Group is a grouping of Azure resources. This allows you to issue a common command on a group of resources.

Azure REST API version

This resource interacts with version 2018-02-01 of the Azure Management API. For more information see the official Azure documentation.

At the moment, there doesn’t appear to be a way to select the version of the Azure API docs. If you notice a newer version being referenced in the official documentation please open an issue or submit a pull request using the updated version.



This resource is available in the inspec-azure resource pack. To use it, add the following to your inspec.yml in your top-level profile:

  - name: inspec-azure

You’ll also need to setup your Azure credentials; see the resource pack README.


This resource first became available in 1.0.0 of the inspec-azure resource pack.


An azurerm_resource_groups resource block uses an optional filter to select a group of Resource Groups and then tests that group.

describe azurerm_resource_groups do


The following examples show how to use this InSpec audit resource.

Check for a Resource Group

describe azurerm_resource_groups do
  its('names') { should include 'MyResourceGroup' }

Insist that your resource group exists

describe azurerm_resource_groups.where(name: 'MyResourceGroup')
  it { should exist }

Use names to get all Virtual Machines in Azure

azurerm_resource_groups.names.each do |resource_group|
  describe azurerm_virtual_machines(resource_group: resource_group, name: 'MyVmName') do
    its('monitoring_agent_installed') { should be true }

Filter Criteria

  • names


Filters the results to include only those resource groups that match the given name. This is a string value.

describe azurerm_resource_groups.where { name.start_with?('InSpec') } do
  it { should exist }


  • ids
  • names
  • tags


The ids property provides a list of all the Resource Group ids.

its('ids') { should include 'MyResourceGroupID' }

The names property provides a list of all the Resource Group names.

its('names') { should include 'MyResourceGroup' }

The tags property provides a list of all the Resource Group tags.

its('tags') { should include '{MyResourceGroupTag=""}' }


For a full list of available matchers, see our Universal Matchers page.

This resource has the following special matchers.


The control will pass if the filter returns at least one result. Use should_not if you expect zero matches.

describe azurerm_resource_groups do
  it { should exist }

Azure Permissions

Your Service Principal must be setup with a contributor role on the subscription you wish to test.

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