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Automate HA Config Generation


Chef Automate 4.10.1 released on 6th September 2023 includes improvements to the deployment and installation experience of Automate HA. Please read the blog to learn more about key improvements. Refer to the pre-requisites page (On-Premises, AWS) and plan your usage with your customer success manager or account manager.

Command Usage

chef-automate config gen config.toml

config.toml is the file where all the generated config will be saved at the end, you can choose to not provide this then the output will be shown to stdout.

Refer the fields below to generate Chef Automate High Availability (HA) configuration using chef-automate config gen command:

Automate HA Topology

You need to have Chef Automate HA as a topology for HA deployments.

To deploy on customer created Chef Automate HA cluster.
To deploy in AWS environment. Cluster will be created by Automate HA.
The configuration type.

SSH User and Group

ssh user name
User name to SSH to cluster instances.
ssh group name
Group name which is associated with SSH user.
ssh port no
Port to connect using SSH. Default value: 22.
ssh key file path
SSH key file path, same will be used to SSH to cluster instances. For example, /home/ec2-user/KEY_FILENAME.pem.

Automate Load Balancer FQDN

Automate FQDN
Chef Automate FQDN. For example,
Automate FQDN ARN
For AWS deployment ARN name is required for Automate FQDN domain.
Automate FQDN Root Certificate
SSL root certificate for Automate FQDN domain.

Automate Admin

Automate Admin Password
Admin password to login to automate dashboard.

Chef Infra Server Load Balancer FQDN

Chef Server FQDN
Chef Automate FQDN. For example,
Chef Server FQDN ARN
For Aws deployment ARN name is required for Chef Servers FQDN domain.
Chef Server FQDN Root Certificate
SSL root certificate for Chef Infra Server FQDN domain.

Number of Nodes in Automate HA Cluster

Automate node count
Number of nodes we want to keep for automate, in case of On-Premise deployment need to provide IP Address for all nodes.
Chef Server node count
Number of nodes we want to keep for Chef Server, in case of On-Premise deployment need to provide IP Address for all nodes.
Opensearch node count
Number of nodes we want to keep for Opensearch, in case of On-Premise deployment need to provide IP Address for all nodes.
Postgresql node count
Number of nodes we want to keep for Postgresql, in case of On-Premise deployment need to provide IP Address for all nodes.

Private/Public Key For Automate

Private key for Automate
If you have a custom certificate for Automate node provide your private for Automate, If you have a custom certificates for each Automate node then provide different private key for each of Automate node.
Public key for Automate
If you have a custom certificate for Automate node provide your public for Automate, If you have a custom certificates for each Automate node then provide different public key for each of Automate node.

Private/Public Key For Chef Server

Private key for Chef Server
If you have a custom certificate for Chef Infra Server node provide your private for Chef Infra Server. If you have a custom certificates for each Chef Infra Server node then provide different private key for each of Chef Infra Server node.
Public key for Chef Server
If you have a custom certificate for Chef Infra Server node provide your public for Chef Infra Server. If you have a custom certificates for each Chef Infra Server node then provide different public key for each of Chef Infra Server node.

OpenSearch Certificate and Private/Public Key

Root CA for Open Search
In case of have custom certificates for Open Search node provide root certificates.
Admin Key certificate for Open Search
In case of have custom certificates for Open Search node provide admin key certificates.
Admin certificate for Open Search
In case of have custom certificates for Open Search node provide admin certificates.
Private key for Open Search
If you have a custom certificate for Open Search node provide your private for Open Search, If you have a custom certificates for each Open Search node then provide different private key for each of Open Search node.
Public key for Open Search
If you have a custom certificate for Open Search node provide your public for Open Search, If you have a custom certificates for each Open Search node then provide different public key for each of Open Search node.

PostgreSQL Certificate and Private/Public Key

Root CA for Postgresql
In case of have custom certificates for Postgresql node provide root certificates.
Private key for Postgresql
If you have a custom certificate for Postgresql node provide your private for Postgresql, If you have a custom certificates for each Postgresql node then provide different private key for each of Postgresql node.
Public key for Postgresql
If you have a custom certificate for Postgresql node provide your public for Postgresql, If you have a custom certificates for each Postgresql node then provide different public key for each of Postgresql node.

AWS Deployment

Settings required for AWS deployment.

VPC ID in which you want to create cluster.
Private subnet ids
Three private subnets are required to create cluster.
Public subnet ids
If you want to have public load balancer then, Three public subnets are required to create cluster.
Instance type
Instance type to create cluster.
EBS volume size
The EBS volume size.
EBS volume type
Default is gp3.
EBS volume IOPS
It should be based on your load needs.
ssh key pair name
SSH key pair name on AWS. For example, my-key.
AWS region to create cluster.
AWS AMI ID for specific region to create cluster of particular AMI.

AWS profile name. AWS profile name configured in .aws/credentials, Skip this if the IAM role is configured on the bastion host.

External Databases

Settings for AWS-managed or customer-managed databases.


Opensearch domain name
Opensearch domain name deployed on AWS or customer environment.
Opensearch domain url
For AWS managed provide domain URL without port and protocol.

For example,

For customer managed OpenSearch provide domain URL along with port.

For example,

Opensearch user name
Username to login to OpenSearch.
Opensearch user passwords
Password to login to OpenSearch.
Opensearch root-ca
SSL root certificates to connect with OpenSearch.

If you have AWS managed databases we have option to use default AWS certificates - - If using default certificates then no need to provide root certificates.


PostgreSQL URL and port
Postgresql URL along with port.

For example,

PostgreSQL super username
Superuser username to login to PostgreSQL.
PostgreSQL super user password
Superuser password to login to PostgreSQL.
PostgreSQL database username
Database username to login to PostgreSQL.
PostgreSQL database user password
Database password to login to PostgreSQL.

AWS OpenSearch

Aws OpenSearch snapshot arn
Snapshot arn is required to take a backup from AWS OpenSearch
Aws OpenSearch snapshot user accesskey
Snapshot user accesskey is required to take a backup from AWS OpenSearch
Aws OpenSearch snapshot secret key
Snapshot user accesskey is required to take a backup from AWS OpenSearch. Refer to the Enabling OpenSearch Backup Restore section, to create them and get their values.


If backup is configured during deployment, set the following settings.

Bucket name
Object storage bucket name. In case of AWS deployment bucket will be created if not exist in AWS.
Access Key
S3 access key.
Secret Key
S3 secret key.
Endpoint of object storage.
S3 Bucket region.
Mount path
For file system or EFS backup, provide the mount path of the backup directory.
For Google Cloud Storage backup, gcs.

For S3 backup (AWS S3, MinIO, non-AWS S3), s3.

Google Service Account File
For Google Cloud Storage provide the credentials file path. For example, /path/to/file/test.json.
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